10 May 2010
News From the Future
Despite all the discussion over whether or not the Ward's accepted this challenge to put another notch in their belt or somehow profit from the experiment, the most important thing is whether or not they (as a family and individually) were able to take something away from the experience. Over the last few years, I have come to realize that God places situations in our life that are meant to teach us and/or grow our relationship with Him. We usually don't understand why at the time and may never understand in our time as a member of this fallen creation. These situations shape our character and can also be used for use to help others in the future who go through similar experiences. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (1 James 1:2-4)."
What I am trying to get at is that for the first time in this book I finally feel that Logan is pulling something from this experience other than a cool story or a self serving exercise. Maybe it was a combination of the experiment and the attacks on New York but whatever it was, I felt relieved to see Logan gain an understanding and appreciation that he can take with him and hopefully spread to his family. When Logan was talking about Heather's grandmother and the Great Depression he said, "she's doing what is in her power to feel more secure - honing her resourcefulness, staying focused on life's essentials, helping others." Logan, that is exactly what you are doing....I hope. The purpose of the experiment itself is laid before us and what our daily lives should revolve around. I go to work in attempts to hone my resourcefullness to provide for my family. I go to Church to help me stay focused on life's essentials, and I try to stay in the word to guide me in these principles and help others in their lives and give them the opportunity to experience a life with Christ that we so often take forgranted.
I don't know what the final outcome of the book will be or what the Wards' will take with them other than a story and a paycheck from the publisher but there is a part of me that longs for them retain something more from the experience. Whether we realize it or not, we encounter experiences daily. How we embrace these experiences dictates the future benefits we gain from them. "turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God (Pr. 2: 2-5)." We are all serching for security in everything we do, and if we take a few minutes and look for it in the right place, we just might find it. I look forward to see if the Wards' find the security they were searching for when they left their broken home in the city.
03 May 2010
An Inconvenient Truth
With all of that being said, I actually feel strongly connected to the couple’s story and I am enjoying the read. Despite what I perceive to be the author’s disingenuous motives I feel that the story does convey extremely well how disconnected we really are from our recent ancestors. I am baffled at the fact that it is virtually impossible for an average couple to completely abandon the present day and live as our great grandparents did. It seems as though it would be so hard for a modern person to live one hundred years ago and it makes me wonder what my grandchildren will think of the era I lived in.
One particular passage captured my attention recently. I am over a hundred pages into the book so this might be a little ahead of some of you but I do not feel it will detract anything from your future readings by mention this now. At one point the author introspectively notes that he despite his best efforts to flee the stresses of modern living he has only succeeded in recycling them for new stresses which in many ways seem far more bothersome. He points at that, yes, in today’s society you have debts and deadlines but you never worry about the ability to provide food for your family. If someone is starving in America today it is largely, if not entirely, due to their own stupidity. Any family will have numerous places to reach out for the ability to survive. One hundred years ago it was a very real possibility that your family could run short of food, or a simple cold could wipe out an entire generation of ancestry. I remember distinctly a conversation that I had with Leigh’s great-uncle one time a few years back. I asked, ”what is the biggest difference between the time when you were my age and now?” His reply was surprisingly short and simple; he said the only real difference as far as he could tell is that the pace of life has changed. People have lost all patience with everything: business, nature, religion, and even their fellow man. He said that nowadays everything is expected to be done with great haste, whereas in his youth people appreciated what virtue there is in waiting. As I try patiently to wait for this baby to stop crying, I wonder what else I have to do that is so important. Yet for years now I feel that I have wrongly labeled patience as laziness and I am beginning to see what it is the author claims to have set out in search of among the Virginia farmlands.
01 May 2010
The Struggle
I think this chapter consumed me because I can identify 100% with the Ward's, outside the fact they live in NYC and have a child. I have been pushed to the breaking point mentally and physically over the last 4 months, working 60+ hour weeks consecutively and the majority of my relationship with my wife has been that of 2 ships passing in the night. The old saying, "It pays the bills..." describes my job completely. I have no passion for what I do, I don't see the purpose in my meaningless daily tasks 90% of the time and I don't respect the people I work for.
I have brought up the term "self-sufficiency" numerous times over the last few months. While that may be a little extreme, I think the idea is attractive. I have grown frustrated and tired with the demands society has put on each and every one of us. Phrases such as, "We have to have this...", or "You have to do this.....", "You need this....". I long for the simple things that I do not have, and despise the chains that bind me to my current state. How I would love to take a walk with my wife down by the pond and stroll by the garden on the way back to the house, pick a few vegetables for dinner and not hear a car or another human being. I was talking to Ashley last night and discussing why I have such an addiction with turkey hunting and why I let it run my life during the spring. I realized that it is my escape. For a three hour period I use no cell phone, I have no email, I don't have to think about work, or how I can get a lower internet rate. It is absolutely the most peaceful time I have throughout the entire year....it is my escape....my drug. Not only that but the sense of satisfaction that comes with providing meat for my family's table. I truly feel like a real man when I have blood on my hands or dirt under my fingernails. Yes, I love to hunt but there is nothing like the satisfaction to know that I am the one putting food on the table and not picking it up from Publix. I am in control of my family's future. My success or failure in the woods or in the garden directly affects my family. Now there is a daily task that gets my attention, as opposed to making sure the VP of Finance signed off on a reconciliation!
Wow, hows that for rambling? My point is that we have been painted into little boxes that society has molded for us. I'm not saying living in the 1900s would be glamorous because there are definitely hardships that I have not thought about or even know about. I just think our society as a whole would benefit in the morality department if we carved out some things in our life and replaced them with a slower pace. A few examples...actually observe the Sabbath (i.e. take the day off and give it to God), spend time with our families away from the TV, take children fishing, take time out of the day to teach something to our children about the outdoors and get our families back in Church. Last point, I vented to Ashley about society and how I desire to shield our children from the curses it brings but also expose them to the great things it has to offer (a very fine line indeed). It will take a strong relationship with God for our children to not succumb to the desires society says we should have, it will take a mother who is there to love and support, and a father who is a true spiritual leader of the house. I look forward to see what the Ward's take away from their experiment, as such a measure must be a great awakening. And for now, I will continue to settle for the days in the woods and the time on the water for my escape to a simpler time until I can break the chains that hold me in modern day society.
28 April 2010
Coming around
Delving into the second chapter, I am overwhelmed by the vestiges of pace and stress the Wards have packed with them from
Two thirds of Americans cannot see the Milky Way? Our home galaxy is so obscured by lights and pollution that we cannot even identify it. Even if we could, I doubt we would separate ourselves from The Office or Blackberries long enough to look. Numbed by amusement, I find myself less and less attached to reality. Even without a television, this morning I rose to partake of coffee imported from a foreign land and a bagel baked in a factory. While my mind drifts away to Swoope, my lungs draw in carbon-tinted air and I sit upon a chair from Pier One. As I ponder, I become more overwhelmed by the depth that modernity and the American Dream have penetrated my being. Despite soaking in the words of Henry Thoreau, Wendell Berry and now Logan Ward, I observe little alteration in my lifestyle. Keith Watkins used to emphasize the Latin origins of contra- (against, counter) –diction (speech). As I sit under the cool air of an electric fan typing away on a laptop computer, I embody the definition.
25 April 2010
The skeptic
My distrust is driven by a pair of factors. Firstly, the terminology in the early pages resembles the same rhetoric employed by sophomoric yuppies who have well grasped the verbiage and slogans of the modern environmental movement but without a clue as to what such a movement demands of us as humans. Secondly, I well identify with the dissatisfaction afforded by the modern life and find myself envious of the decisions he has made and actions he is taking. My hope is that this work will stir within me motivation on a smaller scale to alter my life in such a way as the author. My fear is that, armed with an agrarian vocabulary and resources sufficient for a year-long camping trip, Ward will endure and enjoy 1900 before engaging another adventure as the New Year rings in 2010.
20 April 2010
...And then, no more light.
07 April 2010
"Time to light the fires and kick the tires."
1. See You in a Hundred Years...Logan Ward
2. In a Sunburned Country...Bill Bryson (This book would fulfill part of fbw's rule for this rotation.)
In 24 hours the book will be chosen. At this point members need to secure a copy.